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What is learning and how does it occur? (summary from Prof. Dr. Soner Yıldırım's video)


Learning can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or information through study, experience, or being taught. It is a process of obtaining new information and integrating it with existing knowledge to modify or change behavior perceptions, or attitudes. Learning can occur consciously or unconsciously, and it can take place in a variety of settings, including classrooms, workplaces. Learning occurs when multiple repetitions take place, we cannot learn unless we repeat what we are trying to learn. Another important thing about learning is that our brains need energy to learn, our bodies tend to use our energies for their vital processes first so we should firstly meet the needs of our bodies to have our prains spend energy for the learning process.

There are 3 important centers at learning; Hippocampus, Amygdala and Nucleus Accumbens.Hippocampus is responsible for learning, Amygdala is responsible for reaction and Nucleus Accumbens is responsible for motivation.

The most effective educational video for university students should be 10-15 minutes. If the video exceedes this duration, students tend to give up watching the video. But if it's an online lesson then it will be efficient if it lasts more than 15 minutes but less than 30 minutes, as students protect their concentration on the lesson during the first and last parts of the lesson. And so, the level of memorability remains high. And the most remembered parts of a lesson are visuals. The reason is videos are effective in learning and the brain makes sense of the visual very quickly.  The brain processes images 60.000 times faster!

(This is the blog post for summary of the linked video)

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27YVCo0r-sQ   *

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